Service was live streamed on Church Online
June 11, 2023 at 10:30 AM
Sermon: Listen Carefully
Text: Isaiah 30:19 – 21
Thesis: You Don’t Want To Miss His Message.
I. Mordecai Found His Whispering Spot At The King’s Gate At Susa. (Esther 2)
A. Mordecai was taken captive, but his faith wasn’t
B. Mordecai was moved to send Esther for consideration.
II. Ezekiel Found His Whispering Spot At The Kebar River. (Ezekiel 1)
A. In a foreign land God still speaks.
B. God opened Ezekiel’s eyes as well.
III. Daniel Found His Whispering Spot In A Upstairs Window. (Daniel 6:10 ff)
A. Daniel found himself in a tight situation.
B. God does His best work in tight places.
IV. Jonah Found His Whispering Spot In The Belly Of A Great Fish.
A. You’re not the first one who ran from God.
B. Jonah made a call and God answered on the first ring.
Conclusion: The stories behind these four characters are absolutely amazing. But in each one God spoke in a manner and language which they heard and understood. And the message of the Word was pushed along a little further. God’s message hasn’t changed. So to you and I He says, “This is the way; walk in it.” There may be different specifics as unique as we each are, but the direction is the way. Where might you meet God and find your whispering spot?
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