February 21, 2021 – To Whom Are You Comparing Yourself?

By John Ormond on February 20, 2021

Service was live streamed on Facebook
February 21, 2021 at 10:30 AM

February 21, 2021 Bulletin

Sermon: To Whom Are You Comparing Yourself?
Text: Galatians 6:4
Thesis: We Need To Use The Standard God Has Given Us.

I. The First Type Of Comparing We Engage In Is Called Upward Comparison.
A. This is when we compare ourselves to those better off.
B. This type incites envy.

II. The Second Type Of Comparing We Engage In Is Called Lateral Comparison.
A. This is when we compare ourselves to those on the same level.
B. This type incites competition.

III. The Third Type Of Comparing We Engage In Is Called Downward Comparison.
A. This is when we compare ourselves to those who are worse off.
B. This type incites arrogance.

Conclusion: We work hard and as we go we just want to know how we’re doing. So like a ball player we look to check the score for a second. At first, we don’t mean any harm, but if unchecked we lose sight of that which is truly important. We lose sight of the real deal the game we’re called to be in. This can cause us to work hard for the wrong things and keep our eyes on the wrong prize. In 72 years or so the average person will come to the end of life. Everything will go back in the box. But where will your soul go?

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