Service was live streamed on Church Online
November 26, 2023 at 10:30 AM
Sermon: Are We Looking For A Prompting?
Text: 2 Peter 1:19 – 21
Thesis: Sometimes God’s Promptings May Seem Strange.
I. It’s A Crazy Prompting That Leads A Cupbearer In Babylon To Rebuild The Wall In Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 1)
A. Many might say that Nehemiah wasn’t qualified for the job.
B. Nehemiah was following his prompting.
II. It’s A Crazy Prompting That Led Philip To Connect With An Ethiopian Eunuch In The Middle Of Nowhere. (Acts 8)
A. Phillip left an ongoing and successful ministry to go to a desert place.
B. Phillip voluntarily followed God’s recommended course of action.
III. It’s A Crazy Prompting That Led Ananias To Prayer For A Persecutor Named Saul.
A. Not all promptings are followed immediately.
B. It’s usually not about qualifications but availability.
IV. It’s A Crazy Prompting That Led To An Appointment Between A Jewish Apostle And An Italian Soldier. (Acts 10)
A. Sometimes God must do a lot of preparatory work before He gives His prompting.
B. Now once Peter’s spiritual vision was cleared, he immediately responded to God’s prompting.
Conclusion: So look, you may of had or may have a time that you receive an unusual, weird or crazy prompting. Don’t expect others to understand it or agree with it, but don’t be afraid to inquire and then follow it. You’re prompting may be different than anyone else’s. Maybe it’s a prompting which was created and formed by God just for you. Don’t be discouraged when no one understands or no one wants to follow with you. Just trust God and you will be “carried along.”
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