August 16, 2015 Reconciliation Brings Peace

By John Ormond on August 16, 2014

Sermon: “Reconciliation Brings Peace”
Text: Colossians 1:19-22
Thesis: Reconciliation Brings People Together.

I. Maintain A Loose Grip On Your Right And Possessions. (Gen13;5-9)
A. Peace is more important than your rights.
B. Peace is more important than your possessions.

II. Don’t Let Much Time Pass Before Seeking A Resolution. (Eph 4:26)
A. Time is not a friend to reconciliation.
B. Many things happen within just 24 hours.

III. Don’t Give The Devil A Foothold. (Eph 4:27)
A. The devil’s work among the redeemed must be kept in check.
B. A foothold is just the beginning.

IV. Always Speak The Truth. (Eph 4:15)
A. Speaking the truth is confrontation.
B. Doing so in love is reconciliation.

Conclusion: Conflicts will come. Not a matter of if, but when. And when they do, we have to do as God desires. He has laid out the advice and suggestions throughout His Word to lead and guide us. We have examples to look upon and then promises to accept. I pray we will use them all as they fit the situations upon which we find ourselves. There is peace to be had within the body of Christ. Let’s work together to achieve the reconciliation the Lord desires.

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